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It's Christmas!

So, it is the end of the first term for the TI Class of 2016. They have done amazingly well so far and we are all really impressed with the effort that they have put in over the past 3 months. They have already gained qualifications in first aid, paddling and archery and are working quickly towards mountain biking, hill walking and climbing awards too.

The next chapter of the TI Course is taking our staff and students out to Switzerland for 6 weeks of skiing, culminating in their BASI Alpine Level 1 Award. We are all very lucky to get this opportunity and some of the students are even committing to skiing every single day while we are out there, I think I'll believe that one when I see it!

It is safe to say that both the students and the staff here at Ardgour have really enjoyed the first term of the course this year and we are really looking forward to spending 6 weeks crammed together in a tiny chalet in the Alps with no TV or WIFI! I will try and keep you updated on their alpine shenanigans, but in the mean time ... It’s time for the Christmas Holidays!!!!!!

We are all heading home now for a much needed rest and to spend time with family and friends, so from all of us to all of you, Happy Christmas!

Until next time, Live the Adventure.

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