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You may have spotted that as well as being known as Abernethy Ardgour we also have a slightly longer name of "Abernethy School of Adventure Leadership". What's that all about? What do our TIs actually learn about Leadership on their year here?

I'm glad you asked!

Firstly - the TIs are learning to be outdoors instructors. As part of their assessments they have to demonstrate good group leadership and management - so during course and training time they are learning about how to do this - and they get to learn from the great examples of other instructors working across Abernethy! (See below for a photo of the wise and mature Ardgour Instructors...)

The TIs also have a series of "Leadership sessions" throughout their first term. These are led by the leadership team and Instructional team - and look at a whole range of topics linked to team work, leadership and understanding different personalities.

The students help to lead the local Church children's club, and also get lots of group experience during their time on placements and they also help to lead Team Fellowships for the rest of the staff and students as the year goes on, as well as contributing to the other bits and pieces that happen in the evenings at the centre. As part of our evening programme we have also been watching videos from the Global Leadership Summit - teachings on different aspects of leadership from a Christian perspective.

But finally (and maybe most excitingly) ...last Thursday and Friday the TIs had a "Leadership Exercise" which was a series of challenges which they had to work together to complete. While the exact details are a closely guarded secret (just in case any of next year's students are reading this!) I am allowed to share with you the following photos...

When we sent these photos around to some other members of staff the response was "Looks great, thought I'm not sure I know what's happening!" which is probably how the students felt as the exercise went on! Have a great weekend - we'll be sharing more of what the students have been up to this time next week!

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