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Fire Fire...

Hello again!

This week our students spent some time training for their 2* Paddling award, and had an exciting trip to our Abernethy Ardeonaig centre ( for some River Trips (with some swimming involved!) and are finishing off the week with some climbing practice.

Life isn't all work and training though! We enjoyed a trip to the Ardgour Fireworks display on Saturday night, where the fire was ENORMOUS.

and enjoyed a slightly (!) smaller fire back at the centre on Sunday evening, complete with sparklers and marshmallows (of course).

One of our students headed home for the weekend and returned with something that has struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest students...Ladies and gentlemen there is now...a nerf gun at Ardgour. This has led to much browsing of various websites in search of bigger and better nerf guns to cause even more chaos. No corner of the centre is safe!

We'll be back next week with more news (if anyone has survived the nerf gun chaos!)

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