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What else?

This week I thought it might be time to talk about life outside the course - what else do the TIs get up to other than all their outdoor adventures?


On a typical evening you might find a group watching a film or playing Signs (if Roald has his way!) but there are lots of other things going on as well...

The TIs help the staff to run the local parish childrens club (MAD - Make a Difference kids club). Everyone takes it in turns to help with the sessions (though some eager TIs have been to all the sessions so far!)

It's a great way for us here at the centre to join in with the local community (and enjoy some crafts and activities!)

Enjoying some colouring in

Playing on the adventure course

Most Wednesday evenings you will find the whole team gathering together for Team Fellowship - a bit like a Church Life group or Cell group. At the moment we are going through a series called Christ Followers - looking at different aspects of what it means to be a Christian.

This weeks Team Fellowship - all about Prayer

Here at Ardgour we also go along to the local Church. This Sunday we were especially fortunate and enjoyed tea, cake and conversation outside afterwards - taking in some beautiful views and some nice sunshine!

Chatting outside Church - what a view!

The TIs also join in with local events such as the Harvest Ceilidh - where we enjoyed Paddy's stand up comedy, some great food, and an impromptu piggy back race.

and they have been putting a lot of time and effort recently into various pranks and tricks (more on that next week!)

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