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Argh! What's that sound!?

Today's Blog post comes to you from Emily T - one of our lovely TIs!

Argh! What's that sound!?


Jump up to turn it off.

Felt like it would wake the whole world up... It's another day and right now I would rather go right back to the warm cocoon I was just sleeping in. But today we are heading to Barcaple. Which is exciting because so far we haven't been there. An added attraction is the long ride getting there. (I'll sleep then I tell myself). Downstairs I find Alex making his lunch while Danny tells me his Nutella is frozen from being in the conservatory over night. Apparently the weather gets cold here. I guess joining an outdoor course in Scotland you expect it to be cold. But I still get excited every time we have frost or snow or come across a frozen pond. Well winter isn't fun if it doesn't do winter things! Imagine what Switzerland is going to be like. Snow EVERYWHERE.

So exciting.

Another exciting thing is the arrival of December. Although I keep being reminded I am yet to sort out my secret Santa, and ordering food anywhere is made all the more complicated what with the added 'Christmas menu'. But December means we finally get to go to Barcaple and do some great biking. It means Jacob can now wear his Christmas jumper without being told it's too early. It also means we might get to decorate the centre at some point.

Now that we've been at Ardgour for over three months it's starting to feel like home. Bekah says it will be strange going to Switzerland and trying to get used to somewhere else. I think I agree with her. We seem to have settled quite nicely here. We know that if the chilli is out it's because Alex has already made his lunch. (Who else puts chilli on a sandwich, I mean really?) We know that Danny is hungry if we can smell macaroni cheese. Taylor swift coming from the kitchen means Paddy is cooking dinner. If there is a phone charger in the quiet lounge it must be Jack's. Roald is the only driver who owns a car which hasn't been pulled over by the police or is in danger of dropping parts on the road. If someone has figured out what is going on in another person's head it's Josh, although how he is doing it all the way from Zambia is a complete mystery. If we see a game of thrones book lying around we know Jacob will show up any minute to retrieve it. People cowering behind chairs in the lounge? I bet Bekah had her nerf gun out! Plus people are starting to expect random things to be said when I'm around so it makes life a lot easier.

Something else that comes after having been on the course for a while is some inside knowledge. For example having your own mug makes tea taste better. Not sure why. If you try to help someone down a rock, make sure your feet are firmly planted! I found that one out the hard way. But thankfully survived to tell the tale. You don't really need to bring marmite with you because the centres all have it (even if I'm the only person who eats it). I now also know where the prime seating spots are. The stairs are a great place to call home. Along with next to the radiator in the hall. But if you really want to be warm and comfy try the chair next to the heater in the lounge. (Provided the heater is actually on) However, you can get round the heater problem with a blanket. Which is why on some evenings there are several duvets to be seen around the centre. We also have discovered that Ardgour has got by far the best drying room. In fact no! It has the best drying rooms (plural). I mean stuff drys in a couple hours sometimes! It's amazing!

I'm finishing writing this on our last day at Barcaple. We will spend the morning biking then head home. It's been a fantastic week. We've had some great rides and lots of stories to tell. I've become more confident on a bike and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Instructors who clearly know what they are talking about and enjoy what they do. People who make any day enjoyable. Activities that blow our minds. Chances to learn more about God. Memories being made.

All things which have made the TI course one of the best decisions I ever made.

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