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Expeds and OutTrips

Good Afternoon from a very quiet Abernethy School of Adventure Leadership.

I’m sorry that there hasn’t been a blog for a few weeks, it’s because there hasn’t been anything much to tell, that is, only because I haven’t seen any of our Students for the past couple of weeks as they have all been away. The group has been split into two – the first group learning how to lead climb last week whilst the other group went on a three day river expedition in their canoes, this week they have switched over, the first group on a canoeing expedition and the second learning how to lead climb.

They are all doing really well and speeding ever more rapidly towards their assessments at the end of their course. The year is passing with such speed in fact, that we only have two more weeks with the trainee instructors before they fledge their little wings and take flight over to our other centres for their twelve weeks of work placements gaining invaluable experience and spending a considerable amount of time doing ‘on the job training’.

It seems like yesterday that we were welcoming our new set of students onto the course way back in September and it has been amazing to see them grow, learning new skills and developing old ones. They are such a great bunch of Instructors and I know that they are all going to do so well on their placements.

I will fill you in with stories off their recent trips in a couple of weeks time – Once the students get back on Saturday they are immediately packing up and heading off up North on Monday for a full week of climbing, so I am not sure how much I will get out of my bleary eyed companions! I will try and keep you updated as of their progress on their placements as well, but until next time folks!

Live the Adventure.

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